Your bespoke gifting guide
The gifting season can be a little overwhelming, so we thought we’d do our bit and take some of that pressure off for you, by suggesting some excellent gifts for those special ones in your life.
We don’t mean the neighbor for whom a small hamper would do. We mean the really important people in your life, who deserve to be spoiled with the highest quality, thoughtful gifts.
Here’s our roundup for this gifting season:
Bespoke shirts
The ultimate bespoke gift in the form of a shirt voucher. But no no, this is not just any voucher. It’s a bespoke experience that will stand out among the many generic gifts.
It starts with that special piece of paper, but it continues way beyond that, because the gifte-recepitent gets to experience the bespoke tailoring process. Yep, that’s the same process that the royals, the James Bonds, the red-carpet-walking celebrities experience.
The bespoke shirt at work - Zink & Sons
Quite a present, isn’t it? All you have to do is drop by and pick up a voucher (or two) for the lucky stylish people in your life.
Best for…the style-interested, of course, but also the traditionalist, as well as the type for whom quality is paramount. It can also be a great gift for someone who is close to a milestone: new job, graduation, career pivot, promotion, engagement. The bespoke shirt could be a beautiful gift to head into that transition with. Oh, and it does not gender-discriminate. We make shirts that suit everyone.
Summer doesn’t have to be when we drop our style standards in favour of comfort. With a polo shirt, you can have both: style and comfort. And so can the lucky men in your life.
Forest green long sleeve polo at Zink & Sons
Cut from the best cottons, our polos are crafted using bespoke tailoring techniques to ensure immaculate fit. Available in a great selection of summer colours to take the wearer from day to night.
Perfect for…the polo-loving gentleman will love this upgrade. But so might the skeptic who puts all polos in one basket. Our bespoke polos can have quite an effect – they can sway regular shoppers into connoisseurs and loyal fans of the tailoring craft. As they say, once you wear one, you can never go back.
Dormeuil accessories
When it comes to accessories like ties, Dormeuil is king. And we’ve just received their new range in the shop. We’re talking pure silk, twills, polka dots, all French-made. Bow ties in satin or silk grosgrain. The signature detail that ties a bespoke outfit together. Good choice, you!
Perfect for…the suit-loving men in your life. Chances are if you love your suits, you’ll love the accessories, and you have the occasions to done them. So don’t buy this for just everyone. Only for the few who will appreciate a pure silk, high quality tie or bowtie. Can also be a great note for the about-to-be-married, engaged or boarding-a-cruise soon.
We hope so.
So drop by and take your peak of bespoke gifts at the Zink & Sons shop. We’re open until 23 December 12pm, but don’t wait. Do your gift shopping now, so you can enjoy the season in peace.
We’re re-opening at 9am on the 9th of January 2023.