Should I invest in a second pair of trousers?
A jacket can last a lifetime if it is well looked after. However, a trouser does take considerably more effort to last the distance.We therefore suggest to our clients that a second trouser is always a good idea when ordering your suit for the following reasons:Wear & tear: males tend to be quite rough on trouser wear, their legs(mainly upper thigh) can cause continuous rubbing which can cause holes in the crouch area, also material shin can also be an effect. Two trouser with each suit allows you to rotate each trouser betweens wears which will help extend the life of your suit.Cleanliness: dry cleaning your suit should be done as little as possible to preserve the natural fibers in your suit, airing out your trouser between wears helps with keeping dry cleaning to a minimum. Having two pairs of trousers lets you wear one while the other airs and also drys out, which also helps with the wear and tear.Style options: the second pair doesn’t always need to be exactly the same style or cut, often we make the second pair a different style, belt loops and buckles side adjusters, or a different cut with the second pair being a wider or slimmer cut to suit different occasions.